Debt Collection Questions - Part 1

We are often presented with questions by the people we collect from.

These answers should be considered general common sense, and not specific legal advise.  Every one's situation is different, and we are specifically not offering legal advise in the following article.

Debt Collection Questions

Should I borrow from my retirement to pay off debt?

Frankly, most people are over their heads in debt due to bad spending habits.. and not addressing that issue first, makes attacking future savings not a great idea.  If  you find yourself in debt due to unforeseen issues, like a loss of employment, or other catastrophic event, not miss-management, then it is likely you will be able to rebuild your retirement reserves.   Evaluate the REASON you are behind in debt, before you jump to how you will resolve that debt, especially if it involves raiding the stores that you plan to use to support yourself in your retirement.

My X-Husband was supposed to pay that off in the divorce.

We are sorry to tell you, if your name is on the bill,  you owe it.  If the courts assigned that debt to your X, then you still owe it, and the best you can do is pay it, and go after your former spouse for the money.


Here's your general guideline.  Your social security benefits are generally protected from garnishment or levy  IF they are direct deposited into the bank, and UP TO the total of the last 2 months of benefits.

I'm getting married, what about her debts from before the wedding?

Debts incurred prior to marriage are generally not marital debts, and are not owed by the other spouse after the wedding.  BUT - if you have a joint account - that account is subject to garnishment.  Again - this is "generally speaking" and not legal counsel.

St. Petersburg Debt Collection Attorney

Marcadis Singer, PA

Florida Collection Attorney

5104 South Westshore Blvd.

Tampa, Florida 33611
info @

(888) 547-1881

(813) 288-1881

New Clients 

Ext. 247 Gil Singer

Ext. 240 Ralph Marcadis
Existing Client Client Liaison

Ext. 242

To Pay a Claim

Ext.  245

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