1. Carrying too many credit cards.
This is your number one way of drowning in debt.
The joy of your first credit card, someone saying you are worthy, worthy to slap down a card and pay for lunch. Then, when you dig yourself out of your first credit card, there's that thrill when the first credit cards agree to give you a card again.. for maybe a $300 limit.
These card people are not in the game to make you feel good - they charge amazing fees and huge interest rates.
A good Rule of Thumb is to have 3 cards, including store, gas, or specialty cards. Just 3 - how's that for discipline!
Got More? Take them out of your purse, or wallet, stuff 'em in a drawer, and STOP USING THEM!
Best to cancel them all together, but if you aren't going to do that, at least work on paying them off and not using them while they have an extended nap in your drawer.
Marcadis Singer PA
5104 South Westshore Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33611
(888) 547-1881 (813) 288-1881
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